Actions Library
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Actions Library

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Article summary


This is our Actions Add-on Library. Here you will find all our pre-made actions that you can use to automate tasks within your team. We keep updating our library with newer actions and all of them are open source. You can always use them, modify them and even publish them as long as you keep using the same license (MIT).  

Each add-on is hosted in it’s own repository and has a separate demo where you can see it being used. If you think we should build a specific action add-on that could help multiple hardware teams, feel free to submit an add-on request and we will evaluate the idea to later add it to our library.






Keep your bill of materials updated with this add-on. Use it in a workflow to generate a BOM from your design on specific events (i.e on every push)

BOM-Gen Demo

BOM-Gen Repo

DigiKey Report

An add-on that allows you to consume the DigiKey API and build a parts report. This add-on requires the DigiKey client ID and client secret to be stored as Actions secrets

DigiKey Report Demo

DigiKey Report Repo

Carbon Emissions

An actions repository for demonstrating the calculation of the sum carbon emission for a PCBA given an input BOM and a data source with component emissions data

Carbon Emissions Demo

Carbon Emissions Repo

COGS with Cofactr

Generate cost of goods sold (COGS) in AllSpice Actions using Cofactr. [Coming up]

Git Notes

A GitHub/Gitea/AllSpice Hub action to use git-notes as a key/value store method.  [Coming up]

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