Advanced branching strategies
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Advanced branching strategies

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Branching Strategy: G

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 9.15.15 PM.png{height="" width=""}it flow

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 9.13.59 PM.png

Git flow strategy is a process that starts off with the dev→main branch pair, but adds additional feature branches that merge into development, which in turn merges into main.

Each feature branch can be as specific as fixing a bug, adding a subcircuit, or contain all of the prototype changes for an entire circuit board.

Create a new branch for every bug or feature. If the user wants to fix a bug, they would create a bugfix branch and commit and push one to a few commits that change the files needed to fix the bug. The files edited in the bugfix commits are merged into dev with a design review. The final design might incorporate changes from more design reviews into the dev branch before conducting a final design review and merge into the main branch.

Scope your branches based on the problem you want to solve. In the beginning of a design when many different components and cross-functionality are being added to the schematic, it might be too much granularity to keep separate feature branches. Other groups might want to create a feature branch for large or important sub-circuits like an FPGA. Other teams might want to create separate feature branches so that different people can work on different schematic pages.

Scope your branches by files. Because of the merge problem with ECAD source files, it is only wise to divide work when the changes can be limited to one person per file that changes. If two people are making different changes on the same file in separate branches, the merging process becomes a manual copy/paste that can lead to bugs and incorrectly transcribing the merge.

Subcircuits can be split by separate schematic files. PCB Layouts are generally one file. Most pcb layout files are a single file and cannot easily be partitioned among users, and should not be included in parallel branches. Schematic files are often separated by page or sub-module files and can be worked on by more than one person. If the file changes are going to be on separate files, they can be worked on in separate branches.

You can lock files with LFS. It is possible to lock files and prevent commits to them using the Large File System (LFS) lock feature, but that doesn’t stop people from editing the files and attempting to push their committed changes.

Play nice with others. Coordinate your branches. Git flow requires much more coordination between team members. They may wish to set up an external project management tool to coordinate which files each developer can edit and how the work can be separated into separate branches.

💡 Recommended git flow branch structure 🛠 Feature branches → Development branch → Main Branch

Branches: Keep or Delete

You can keep all your branches forever, as a treat. In the software world, most branches are deleted after the design review is completed. The history of commits is still maintained in the merged branch, so there is no archival reason to keep the branches. Many users find stale branches to be cumbersome to look through once the list grows beyond a certain size. Other organizations might have a genuine reason to keep the old branches around. Either way, you can follow a more sophisticated approach to branching.

Release branches

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An optional part of git flow that can be applied to any branching strategy are release branches.

Release branches help ensure correct manufacturing files. Release branches exist between development and main. They are an insulating layer that allows a collection of feature branches to be merged with the dev branch and then merged into a main branch. When it’s time to send files to a contract manufacturer, you would use the release branch to collect all the changes that are ready for fabrication and merge them into the main branch with a design review.

Many release branches, one dev branch. Release branches are different from a development branch in that there are many release branches, one per release, but only one dev branch. The release branch is usually forked from the development branch and then deleted upon merging into main.

Release branches are for final fixes, not adding new changes. The only changes that should be pushed to a release branch are to fix errors, add documentation, fabrication files and other release tasks. No new features should be added either to the release branch or by merging in changes from the dev branch.

💡 Recommended releases branch structure 🛠 Feature branches → Development branch → Release Branches → Main Branch

Branch filtering

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Branch filtering cleans up your design at each stage. It might be helpful to think of a physical analogy. Consider each branch as a bucket of liquid. Each time you add changes to the branch, you add a little more liquid. You may think or hope the changes in the branch are correct, but you can’t know until you hold a design review. Each person on the review acts as a filter, catching impurities to the water. It’s a lot easier to filter out problems when they are small and related changes. It’s much easier to review large collections of changes if you know they’ve been filtered through a feature branch design review. Each layer of the filter makes it easier to detect issues and integrate the changes. Each layer of the filter, makes it a little easier to make sure the final product has soaked up the design defects and missed market features.

Add filter steps to match your release process. Some organizations add additional branches like prototype, pilot, and final to their branch hierarchy. Each additional branch adds a chance to verify and validate all the changes to the system, but also adds another stage where the problems can be discovered and fixed.

It’s possible to maintain a new product introduction (NPI) workflow with only two branches, but the separate branches make the prototypes and final assemblies easier to distinguish. You can save a lot of money by not releasing failing, low-yield boards if you use the branch filtering system.

Hardware is slow, speed it up with filter branches. With hardware, it’s often required to build prototypes and small batches and wait weeks to months to make the next change to the design or the process. This filtering allows the deployed, released files to confidently co-exist while the files are being edited with fixes as they are discovered.

💡 Recommended filter branch structure 🛠 Feature branches → Development branch → Prototype → Pilot → Production

Deviation Branches

Unlike the previous branching strategies that all flowed to one final main branch, deviations are offshoots from main or a release branch that are used to track changes that are applied to a subset of PCBAs after they have been assembled.

There are a lot of reasons to create deviations, but the fundamental reason among all of them is to save money and pull in the schedule. If a batch of PCBAs isn’t functioning, it is extremely expensive to scrap the boards and purchase new hardware. It might not be acceptable to wait for a new batch of boards to be assembled if there is a physical change to the board that can be corrected.

It doesn’t make sense to make a main release for a change if it is only applied to a few or a few hundred circuit assemblies.

Most organizations use some form of deviation to modify and track boards so they can be released into the lab or field and the users would have a way of knowing that the electronics they’re using are different from the mainline revision and in what way.

Some deviations bring a failing circuit board to perform identical to the form, fit, and function of the main design.

  • Replacing a consumer IC with a more expensive and over-specified, but available part
  • Replacing a component with a taller part from the same part-family
  • Adding white wires to add similarly performing components with different pinouts

Deviations can also contain small to large variations on the main designs form, fit, or function. Very often prototype fixes start off as deviations to the main PCB, with cuts, jumpers, and new circuits added to test out the design changes. Some customers or field installations might require a change from the original spec that can be captured as a deviation.

The best method of dealing with deviations in git is to use the main release that the PCB is based on. If you are using git filtering, then deviate from the prototype, pilot, or production branch.

💡 Recommended deviation branch structure Pilot → Deviation branches Production → Deviation branches

Custom branching structure

Expect the unexpected. No single git workflow is a one-size-fits-all solution. Even if you’re using a two branch dev→main structure, it still might be a good idea to create extra branches when the need arises. Git flow can be modified with extra workflows that are either temporary, or part of your everyday process. There are no perfect answers to how you should structure your project, so feel free to model the branching in a way that makes your team productive. A large percentage of software projects use git flow, but many more use a custom or hybrid approach.


Git branches are powerful and useful. You can get away with two branches, a few, or an ocean of branches that come and go as your development progresses.

Start with one of these suggested workflows and then use your own experience to design the workflow that best suits your team. Talk with everyone who contributes, reviews, or consumes the files in the project and come to a consensus on your own localized best practices.

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