Does AllSpice host my hardware designs?
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Does AllSpice host my hardware designs?

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Article summary

Yes. Although we understand some users already have hardware projects in other hosting services (such as Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab), in order to build an amazing user experience for hardware designs, it's necessary that we host and render files directly.

However, we've worked to ensure a seamless transition between other hosting services. You can use our migrator tool to photocopy your existing Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab projects to AllSpice and even keep them as mirror backups for your AllSpice repositories.

If you require, we can create a dedicated server for your team. The files will be hosted by us, but your team will be the only ones able to access and log-on. We can host these on GovCloud servers if you have sensitive or regulated workloads.

We also offer enterprise customers the ability to self-host. Please contact us at for more information.

If you are interested in our mirroring feature, we can either host a mirror of your data from other services, or mirror the data you host with us to other git services.

If you'd like to learn more about how we secure your data, please read this FAQ article.

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