Create Slack notifications
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Create Slack notifications

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Article summary

1. Create a new app in your slack dashboard (See slack webhooks for more info) and "From scratch"

Create an app settings in slack dashboard. There are two options provided, they are from scratch and from an app manifest.

2. Give the app a name, add it to your workspace, and select "Create App"

After selecting from sratch, you will be directed to a page titled "name app & choose workspace". There are two text boxes to fill out, the first one is "app name". In the box is AllSpice Hub. The second one is "pick a workspace to develop your app in", and AllSpice is selected. At the bottom there is a "cancel" button in white and a "create app" button in green.

3. Select "Incoming Webhooks"

General, settings, and distribution menus are shown, with "incoming webhooks" under the settings menu highlighted.

4. Toggle "Activate Incoming Webhooks" ON

Activate incoming webhooks toggle option turned on.

5. Select "Add New Webhooks to Workspace"

Webhook URL, channel, and added by is shown with no actual webhooks added. Underneath is an "add new webhook to workspace" button.

6. Select the channel you'd like AllSpice to post notifications in. Often, users will create a new channel in slack for the AllSpice Hub bot, but it's also helpful to have the bot post in a general "#development" channel along side other project status notifications.

Permission request titled AllSpice Hub is requesting permission to access the AllSpice Slack workspace." Underneath the title it says "where should AllSpice Hub post?". And underneath that says "AllSpice Hub requires a channel to post as an app. Directly under that is a drop-down menu for channels with #hub-bot selected. At the bottom is a cancel button in white and to the right is an allow button in green.

7. Copy the Webhook URL.

8. Open your organization settings by going to your organization -> Settings (Cog wheel) -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook -> Slack

AllSpice logo with a settings icon circled in red.

9. Paste the URL from your slack webhook into "Target URL"

10. Input the same Channel you selected earlier and a username for your bot.

11. Add the icon url

12. Select the events you would like to trigger notifications on.

Add webhook settings opened. Boxes to fill in the target URL, channel, username, icon URL, color and branch filter are provided. Option to turn the trigger on for push events, all events, or custom events is also included. Add the bottom there is an "add webhook" button in green.

You're all set! You should now see notifications from any of the events you selected in the webhook settings.

AllSpice Hub notification example.

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