How to add or change email addresses
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How to add or change email addresses

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Article summary

Are you rebranding? Did you change organizations? It doesn't matter the reason, because changing your email address in AllSpice Hub is super easy.

Adding a new email address in AllSpice Hub

  1. Navigate to the account tab of your settings
  2. Scroll down to Manage Email Addresses
  3. Type in your new email address and click the "Add Email Address" button
    Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 2.49.59 PM.png
  4. You will receive an email at the new address. Follow the instructions to verify and activate the new email.

Switching primary email addresses in AllSpice Hub

  1. Navigate to the account tab of your settings

  2. Scroll down to Manage Email Addresses

  3. Click on the "Make Primary" button for the email address you wish to use for notifications and other operations.
    Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 2.49.21 PM.png

  4. You may wish to remove your old email address using the "Remove" button.

Switching your email address on your local machine's git configuration

Global username/email configuration:

  1. Open a command line terminal. We like git bash.
  2. Set your username:
git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME"
  1. Set your email address:
git config --global ""

Repo-specific username/email configuration

  1. Open a command line terminal. We like git bash.
  2. Change to the repository directory
  3. Set your username:
  1. Set your email address:
git config ""
  1. Verify your configuration by outputting your config file:
cat .git/config

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