How to quickly see a diff between two file versions
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How to quickly see a diff between two file versions

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Article summary

Quick diff

This document provides a step-by-step guide for adding designs to the develop branch, merging them into the main branch, and updating designs with a design review.

Adding Initial Design to the Develop Branch

1. Switch to the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Switches your current working branch to develop.

2. Update your local develop branch:

git pull origin develop

Ensures your local develop branch is up-to-date with the remote repository.

3. Add your design files:

Place your new design files in the desired directory within your project. Use git add . to stage all new files for commit, or git add [file path] to stage specific files.

4. Commit your changes:

git commit -m "Add initial design files"

Commits your staged design files with a message describing the changes.

5. Push your changes to the remote develop branch:

git push origin develop

Updates the remote develop branch with your new designs.

Merging Designs into the Main Branch

1. Switch to the main branch:

git checkout main

2. Pull the latest updates:

git pull origin main

Ensures your local main branch is updated.

3. Merge develop into main:

git merge develop

Merges the changes from develop into your current branch (`main`).

4. Resolve any merge conflicts, if they arise.

5. Push the merged changes:

git push origin main

Updates the remote main branch with the merged changes.

Adding Updated Designs and Creating a Pull Request

1. Switch back to the develop branch and update it:

git checkout develop

git pull origin develop

2. Add your updated design files to the project and stage them:

git add .

3. Commit the updated designs:

git commit -m "Update design files"

4. Push the updates to the remote develop branch:

git push origin develop

5. Create a design review:

Design reviews 101

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