AllSpice Accounts
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AllSpice Accounts

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Article summary

This page helps you manage your AllSpice accounts.
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User account billing

Allspice charges for committers, users with push access to the repo. Any other user is considered a collaborator. You may have as many collborators on your account for free.

Committers vs collaborators?

To learn more about the differences betwen committers and collaborators:
What are the difference between committers and collaborators?

Who is a committer?

You may want to know who on your team is counting as a paid users.
How to see which organization members count towards paid contributor count

Which teams are committer teams?

You can see which of your teams are Committer teams. All team members in a comitter team count as a paid user. Team members are only counted once, no matter how many groups they're in.
How to see which teams count towards paid contributor count

How to set a team to commit / collaborate

You can easily control which teams you're paying for and which teams are for free collaborator accounts.
How to set a team to committer / collaboarator

Change team size

You can always add team members and reduce the paid committer count to the number of committers. Remove committers to lower the count further.
How to change your paid committer contributor count


How to access your billing portal

How to add or edit payment methods

How to update billing information

How to view your invoices

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