How to turn on Actions and run your first Action (Quickstart)
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How to turn on Actions and run your first Action (Quickstart)

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Article summary


CI/CD Actions quickstart

Actions requires the repository owner be an organization, not an individual. If you need to transfer a personal repository to an organization, please refer to How to transfer ownership of a repo.

Workflow files

Actions are defined in workflow.yml files.

Your repository needs one or more workflow files to trigger an Action workflow run.

Note: you must put workflow files in .allspice/workflows/ folder

Creating your first workflow file

Create a file in your repo .allspice/workflows/hello-world.yml

Select repository→Add File→New File

AllSpice demo file tab, at the bottom the add file drop-down menu is expanded. "New file" within the menu is circled in red along with the menu title, "add file".

Name the file .allspice/workflows/hello-world.yml

Copy the following example workflow into the web text editor:

name: Workflow-hello-world

    # Trigger on issue open, close, or reopen
    types: [opened, closed, reopened]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: "Print Hello World 🔎" 
        run: echo "Hello World"    

After you have pasted the code block, click the “Commit Changes” button to commit the workflow file to the repository.

AllSpice demo in the new file tab in a repository. Code from above the image is pasted as the 18th line of code. Below the code is a commit changes section. At the very bottom there is a commit changes button in blue, and a cancel button in red.

Trigger your first action

The example above should trigger an action as soon as you commit the files.

This workflow specifies that actions will trigger on push or issue open/close

To trigger this action again do one of the following:

  • Push changes to the repo

  • Open/New issue (This is the easiest to check)

  • Close an issue

View Actions results

Visit the Actions tab and see the actions result

AllSpice demos, actions tab open in a repository. Actions tab in circled in red.

Click on the workflow to see the results

AllSpice demo, actions tab is opened in a repsitory. An option to add workflow is in the tab, which is also circled.

Click on your job step to see Hello World

AllSpice actions demo with action tab opened. To the left there is text that states "generalize server URL to current server with a green checkmark to its left. Underneath that is text stating "job-hello-world" with a green checkmark to its left. To the right of that is a gif in dark mode titled job-hello-world. Directly underneath the title it says success. There are 3 drop-down menus in the gif that are expanded and closed, which are "set up job", "print hello world", and "complete job".

If something goes wrong, let’s troubleshoot!

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