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Library Management
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Library Management with AllSpice.io
What is Library management?
Library management is simply a collection of best practices to improve the quality of PCBA components during the entire design lifecycle.
Create, fix, and maintain PCB footprint library files
Pads (size, pitch)
Thermal improvements
Silkscreen improvements
Create, fix, and maintain schematic symbol files
Pin data (name, voltage, input/output/clk/etc)
Part attributes (power, current, speed, etc)
Manufacturing data
Symbol readability
Create, fix, and maintain library metadata (intlib/dblib)
Integrated libraries keep information in a single library file.
DBlibs keep information in a database such as MYSQL
Connects symbols and footprints into single component with order information
i.e. 10K 0805 resistor vs 10K 0603
Fix ordering data
Distributor + Part Number list
Alternate parts list
Clean Library ( 5S )
Filter out duplicate components
Reduce, reuse, recycle footprints and symbols
There are many different ways of performing Library management, and most organizations have a very unique set of market requirements. There is no one-size-fits all solution besides flexibility and taking process one-step-at-a-time.