Migrating Instructions for A365 Users
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Migrating Instructions for A365 Users

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Article summary

Moving repo to AllSpice from A365

  • Identify repository to migrate
  • Download the project locally using the Altium Designer interface
  • Create new repo in your org on hub.allspice.io
    • Set up branch protection on main
      • Prevent pushes directly to main
      • Changes can now only be merged with a design review
    • Create “develop” branch (may already exist)
  • Copy git address from repo on hub.allspice.com
    • From web UI on repo page


  • Clone the repo locally

    • Avoid OneDrive folders as they may disrupt switching branchesUpdate local repo with new git address for remote
    • Make sure the folder is in a convenient location and easy to find
    git clone URL
  • Change to develop branch

    • Do not put changes on main branch
    git fetch origin develop
    git switch develop
  • Update the local .PrjPcb file

    • Remove the values from these key=value pairs
    • You can use Notepad to edit the file
# Before

# After
  • Verify new repo
    • Make a test design change in Altium Designer.
    • Save the changes
    • Commit the changes
    • Push the committed pages to AllSpice Hub develop branch
    • Check AllSpice Hub for the design changes

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