What standard git features can/can't I use with AllSpice?
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What standard git features can/can't I use with AllSpice?

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Article summary

What you can/can't do with git for ECAD projects

After you set up a project in git, you'll be able to rev control your designs software-style, but there are still some limitations that come with ECAD file types.

CAN: add + commit

You can add and commit revisions normally as you would code.

CAN: diff

Base git does not support diff for ECAD files. You can, however, diff with AllSpice.

CAN'T: branch + merge

In an ideal world, you and a coworker would be able to work on the same design, each on your own computer, and then at the end upload the two independent revisions and merge the changes. This ideal world is, unfortunately, far away. ECAD files are too complex and have too many dependencies to allow for it. We dream this may someday be possible.

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