How to Mirror
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How to Mirror

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Article summary

You may be interested in mirroring your repository from an external repo to an AllSpice Hub repo or the other way around, from an AllSpice Hub repo to an external repo. Either way, we'll show you how.

Add push mirror from AllSpice to external hosting

Visit your repository. Click on the "Settings" tab and select the "repository" sub category

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Scroll to the mirror settings section.
Fill out the git remote repository url.
Fill out the Authorization Username and Password. You may have to use an authorization token instead of a password. See your host for more details.
Fill out the Mirror Interval time, 8h1m10sec will set the interval to 8 hours, 1 minute, and 10 seconds. Set this to 0 to disable automatic sync.
Click the "Add Push Mirror" button to add the push location.

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After the mirror has been set up, you can manually trigger a mirror by clicking on the "Synchronize Now" button.
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Add pull mirror from external hosting to AllSpice

Click on the "+" button in the upper right corner of the menu (next to your user avatar button). Select New Migration.
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Select the git host. If you are not using one of the listed providers, use the generic git option to migrate a repository from any git service.
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Fill out the source repo name, your username and password for the service.
Click on "this repository will be a mirror".
Fill out the rest of the dialog and click the "Migrate Repository" button.
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Your repo should now be a mirrored from the remote host. You can check in Settings->Repository->Mirror settings

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API Mirroring

We have a few API calls to configure and execute mirroring.
Mirror Sync
Get push mirrors
Add push mirrors
Sync push mirrors
Get push mirror by name
Delete push mirror


Gitea mirror documentation
Github authentication

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